Featuring the artwork of Olivia, the world-famous pin-up artist, these glasses are awesome. I’ve been a fan since her paintings on the cover of Heavy Metal.
They have the decency to keep it under an hour. If you’re not already on board with Mushroomhead’s slightly-above-bad nü-metal, nothing here will convince you.
A video of the band’s over-the-top concert and behind-the-scenes behavior was a welcome arrival in 2001, the original Hell on Earth. We didn’t need the sequels.
The film consists of 75 minutes of continuous rape. Those with a rape fantasy whose Hentai is out of reach will be well served. Most will be disgusted.
Evil Now is an electronic catalog/newsletter for Shane Bugbee, a self-promoting lunatic who’s been discovering/reselling/producing weird shit for 20 years now.