Slowpoke – Review

June 1, 1993

With all the talent and experience behind each band member in the Western MA grunge/funk band, there is little doubt that they’ll be successful.

The Cinch – Review

June 1, 1993

The Cinch, formerly Livewire (and no, they were never a Mötley Crüe cover band!), is essentially a be-bop party band.

Velvet Voodoo Dolls – Review

June 1, 1993

The six songs on their pre-release range from solid, driving blues jams, to soulful, hard-edged grit rock, to some seriously giddy, groovy frolics.

700 Miles – Review

June 1, 1993

From melodious, street-level sub-pop grit to hard-edged acoustic R.E.M.ish semi-folk to alternative blues jams with twangy harmonies and congos… congos?!

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